Cuba Solidarity Campaign
May Day in Havana – last chance to join

May Day in Havana plus visit to Pinar del Rio’s rural communities and Viñales countryside

If you want to join Havana’s legendary May Day march in Revolution Square this year you’ll need to book quickly as there’s just six spaces left on our popular May Day Study Tour.

This fantastic tour offers participants a special invitation to attend the May Day Rally in Plaza de la Revolución, joining over one million Cubans to mark this important day in the Cuban political calendar.

The tour includes a 3 night stay in Pinar del Río province, with visits to rural health and educational services and to an agricultural cooperative in the fascinating landscapes of Viñales. You’ll also meet with Cuban trade union organisations and visit workplaces, schools and local health care centres. Plus there’s plenty of time to relax and enjoy Cuban history, culture and music.

Participants can also take part in the International Solidarity Conference, sharing ideas and values with our Cuban hosts and participants from around the world.

No other country celebrates May Day quite like Cuba. The colour, music and joyous atmosphere of hundreds of thousands of Cuban’s celebrating together is a once in a lifetime experience. Find out how you can join this year’s celebrations in Havana.

Full details, itinerary and price here

Download the booking form

May Day in Havana – last chance to join

The May Day Study Tour runs from 26 April – 8 May 2018. Alongside the spectacular May Day parade, you will also have the chance to:

Explore Pinar del Río and the dramatic landscapes of Viñales
Try out your salsa steps in the exciting capital Havana
Meet with workers in their workspaces and community organisations
Support Cuba and help the campaign to end the US blockade

There will be wonderful opportunities to share experiences with the Cuban people in their local neighbourhoods and plenty of time to relax and enjoy the vibrant Cuban culture both in the city and countryside.

Be more than just a tourist!

Escape the usual tourist trail and discover the revolutionary island and its people. To book or find out more visit the links above, email or call the office Monday – Friday 9.30am-5.30pm on 0207 490 5715.

The May Day Study Tour is exclusive to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s Cuba Travel shop and cannot be booked through any other travel operator.

We hope to welcome you to Cuba in May.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign Team


Cuba Solidarity Campaign c/o Unite, 33-37 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7490 5715 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7490 3556 | Email |



The North West Probation and CAFCASS Branch AGM is to be held on WEDNESDAY, 21st March 2018 at 5.30 p.m. – Unison Regional Centre, Arena Point, 1 Hunts Bank, Manchester M3 1UN

Pay bargaining, NPS/CRC/CAFCASS terms & conditions and other members issues will be on the agenda – come and have your say.



Members present will be entered into a cash draw, prizes agreed £200 (x1) £100 (x3) £50 (x4) £25 (x12)



Justice 4 Grenfell 14th February


Feb 14 – Manchester to host Grenfell solidarity march led by Grenfell community members

A commemorative march in Manchester on the seven month anniversary of the Grenfell disaster, led by Grenfell Community members.

14th February, 6.15 pm

From Market St Manchester to Piccadilly gardens

Organised by Manchester Association of Trades Councils and community groups, and Manchester residents who wish to express solidarity.

Silent marches led by Grenfell community members have taken place on the 14th of every month in London to commemorate the lives of those who killed in the Grenfell Towers disaster. In February the first such march will take place in Manchester.

Our event will consist of a silent march led by people walking in single file, carrying placard size photos of those Grenfell Tower residents who died in the tragedy.

We will assemble at 6:15 to distribute placards and the march will proceed at 6.30pm (prompt to coincide with the March in Grenfell itself) from the covered area outside Boots, Market St along Market Street to the statue in Piccadilly Gardens where there will be a minute’s silence, followed by a few short speeches by two Grenfell residents, The Bishop of Manchester, the Fire Brigades Union, North West UNISON & TUC, and Greater Manchester Housing activists.

Kev Allsop, one of the organisers of the march said:

“On February 14th, the people of Greater Manchester will stand in love and solidarity with the 71 people of Grenfell who lost their lives, and those that are left behind to grieve without their loved ones; their possessions or anywhere to call home.  We will welcome Grenfell activists Jacqui Haynes and Joe Delaney to Manchester to march with us in that hope that they can take back a message to the Grenfell community that they are not alone, that the people of the northwest will honour the working class principle of standing side by side with those that have been betrayed by the state.”

If you would like to carry a placard, contact:

Kev Allsop  / 07752 213514 /



The North West Probation and CAFCASS Branch AGM is to be held on WEDNESDAY, 21st March 2018 at 5.30 p.m. – Unison Regional Centre, Arena Point, 1 Hunts Bank, Manchester M3 1UN

Pay bargaining, NPS/CRC/CAFCASS terms & conditions and other members issues will be on the agenda – come and have your say.

 Guest Speaker: tbc





Cuba Solidarity Campaign
Cuba Update 31 January 2018
Blockade is obsolete and illegal says European Commission vice president

Blockade is obsolete and illegal says European Commission vice president

Europe has told the US many times that “the blockade is not the solution,” said Federica Mogherini during a conference in Havana on 3 January.

The vice-president of the European Commission, who was in Cuba for a series of high level meetings, said: “We know well that the sole effect of the blockade is to worsen the quality of life of women, men and children”, “the blockade is obsolete, it is illegal.”

She confirmed that the EU would keep working to end the blockade, and that the union wants to “open doors and build bridges”, in contrast to others that “build walls and close doors”.

Over 50% of parliament candidates are women

Over 50% of parliament candidates are women

Cuba may become the second highest country for female participation in parliament following its general elections in March.

Of the 605 candidates to the 2018 National Assembly, 53.2 per cent are women. If all the nominees are ratified, only Rwanda with 61.3 per cent would have a great number said president of the National Candidacy Commission, Gisela Duarte.

According to Duarte, the number of young people between 18 and 35 years old would also grow, reaching 13.2 per cent of the candidates.

Find out more about Cuba’s electoral system:

Raffle winners announced

Raffle winners announced

The CSC 2017 Blockade Buster national raffle was drawn at the CSC Executive Committee meeting on Saturday 6 January by CSC Chair and AGS of Unite the Union, Diana Holland. The raffle raised more than £10,000 for CSC campaigns and we would like to thank everyone who bought and sold tickets this year.

The winner was CSC member Matthew Bailey, from East Sussex. When he received news of his win he said:

“I am chuffed to bits and a little bit gobsmacked as I never normally win anything! I really didn’t expect a prize and brought a ticket to help support CSC and its work. I visited Cuba quite a while ago and unfortunately we couldn’t get to Havana that time. I am now really looking forward to going back to enjoy the country and the people, and definitely visiting the capital this time around”

Washington creates Internet Task Force to promote subversion

Washington creates Internet Task Force to promote subversion

The US government has created a new Internet Task Force which aims to promote internal subversion according to a report by the Cuban newspaper Granma.

On 23 January the US Department of State convened a meeting of the task force which would look at “opportunities for expanding internet access and independent media in Cuba.”

The US government has a history of attempting to destabilise countries using new technologies. Most recently, they funded ZunZuneo, a messaging platform similar to Twitter aimed at Cuban youth, but intended to build opposition to the government, as exposed by an Associated Press report in 2014.

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The Association of Greater Manchester Trades Councils is to organise a solidarity action with the people of Grenfell at 6:30 pm on 14th February, to coincide with the march that the people of Grenfell undertake on the 14th of each and every month.

The objective of the action is to show our support for those affected by the fire; offer them our solidarity and to show our commitment to ensuring that this tragedy will not be forgotten.

One of the wider objectives is to prompt similar actions in many cities and towns on the 1stanniversary of the tragedy, the 14th June 2018, though this is for others to organise.

It was agreed that that action at 6:30 pm on 14th February would consist of 71 people (it would be great if they represented 71 organisations) carrying placards of those who died and marching silently in single file from Boots, Market St to Piccadilly gardens where a PA system will be set up.

Kevan Nelson has confirmed he will attend; along with 2 Grenfell residents Joe Delaney and Jacqui Haynes and we are seeking a prominent member of the FBU to speak along with a celebrity

I write to ask you if you or a member of your group are able to carry a placard?

If you can think of any other suitable groups let me know


07752 213 514

UNISON Submission to Justice Select Committee

UNISON Response to TR Inquiry

National Audit Office (NAO) Report on CRC Bail Out

JTU 01-18

3rd January 2018

 National Audit Office (NAO) Report on CRC Bail Out

In August last year, UNISON, Napo and GMB/SCOOP wrote to the National Audit Office to draw attention to the lack of transparency in the MOJ’s multi-million pound bail out of the CRC contracts which had taken place at the end of July 2017.

As a result of the joint union letter, the NAO undertook a detailed investigation into the bail out. The NAO report of the findings of the investigation can be found here:

The report is detailed, but in summary reveals that:

  • CRCs are paid for the volume of rehabilitation activity which they provide, not the number of clients supervised
  • The MOJ claimed originally that it would transfer the commercial risk of future volumes of rehabilitation activity going down, as well as up, to the CRCs
  • The MOJ obtained parent company guarantees that financial protection would be provided for the taxpayer should the CRCs seriously underperform
  • The volume of rehabilitation activity actually went down, but the commercial risk attached to this was not transferred as promised to the CRCs, but was handed back to the taxpayer
  • The MOJ ended up paying the CRCs more in 2016/17 than was contractually required in order to keep them afloat
  • The CRCs under-estimated their fixed costs when bidding for the contracts, but the MOJ agreed that the taxpayer, not the private companies, should shoulder these costs as well
  • So far this has all cost the taxpayer an additional £342 million
  • By the end of June 2017, CRCs had, on average, met just 8 of the 24 targets set for them under their contracts. The worst performing CRC, met only 4 of its 24 targets.
  • Although it is entitled to fine the CRCs for poor performance, the MOJ has either waived, or allowed CRCs to ‘re-invest,  71% of the total of the fines which were due to the taxpayer
  • One of the options which the MOJ considered in respect of the poor performance of the CRCs was to terminate some, or all, of the CRC contracts, but decided instead to let the taxpayer take the strain of the failing contracts by amending the contract payment mechanisms to give the CRCs more money.

UNISON, Napo and GMB/SCOOP call upon the government to take the failing CRC contracts back into public ownership to protect the UK taxpayer from further expense in propping up unsustainable private companies.

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee is due to hold a session on the NAO Report on 17 January.



Ian Lawrence                         Ben Priestley                         George Georgiou

General Secretary                 National Officer                     National Officer

Napo                                       UNISON                                 GMB/SCOOP






JTU 16-17

Lord Michael Bichard KCB, Chairman

National Audit Office
157-197 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SP
9 August 2017

Dear Lord Bichard,

Transforming Rehabilitation: announcement of additional tax-payer spending

We are writing as the three recognised trade unions in the National Probation Service (NPS) and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs). We wish to draw your Committee’s attention to our concerns about the recent announcement by the Secretary of State for Justice of new spending on the MOJ’s Community Rehabilitation Company contracts.

When you published your report into the government’s Transforming Rehabilitation Reforms in April 2016 you concluded by saying:

‘While NOMS’ oversight of CRCs is robust, significantly lower levels of business than the Ministry projected will affect some CRCs’ ability to deliver the level of innovation they proposed in their bids. Furthermore, the NPS is not yet operating as a truly national, sustainable service. Achieving value for money from the new probation system will require resolving these fundamental issues, and ensuring the right incentives for all participants in the system.’

You also indicated in the report that:

‘The Ministry put prudent protections in place to help mitigate the risks to the taxpayer and to critical services where providers seriously underperform or fail outright.’

Whatever promises the MOJ made to your Committee last year in relation to its ‘prudent protections’, on the last day of Parliament on 19 July, the Justice Secretary issued a low key statement to staff in the NPS and the CRCs to the effect that the government had bailed out the failing CRC contracts with an unspecified amount.

In his written ministerial statement of the same date, Sam Gyimah, the Prisons and Probation Minister, referred confusingly to ‘…additional investment…’ in the contracts, but cryptically placed a caveat over the issue by stating that this additional money will see ‘…projected payments to CRCs still being no higher than originally budgeted for at the time of the reforms…’ Given the implications for the public purse of these apparently contradictory statements and the seeming lack of scrutiny that has occurred we consider the matter should be investigated by your committee the NAO in order to ensure taxpayers’ money has been well used and parliament has not been circumvented.

We are not alone in our criticism of the timing of these two announcements, nor  are we alone in extolling the view that the government is so ideologically committed to probation privatisation that it will do all it can to hide that it has failed at the expense of the taxpayer.

We are also concerned as to why the  Secretary of State has not yet answered why he had not published the outcome of his department’s Probation System Review which was initiated, at least in part, to ‘…address the observations and recommendations within the National Audit Office report on TR.’

We have written to the Secretary of State to ask him why the Probation System Review findings were not made public and to ask him to explain exactly what he meant when he told staff that he had ‘…adjusted the CRCs’ contracts to reflect more accurately the cost of providing critical front line services..’ We did so as we are very keen, and we consider you ought to be, to find out whether additional tax-payers money has been given to the CRCs over and above what they are entitled to under their contracts. There seems to be no transparency on this which is obviously totally unacceptable.

We enclose a copy of our letter to the Justice Secretary and would be grateful if you could bring this correspondence to the attention of your Committee with a view to the Committee calling in the MOJ to account for the justification for the apparent additional spend on the failing private probation contracts.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Lawrence                         Ben Priestley                         George Georgiou

General Secretary                 National Officer                     National Officer

Napo                                       UNISON                                 GMB/SCOOP


CC       Oliver Lodge, Director Justice VFM


Hands off our holidays: Don’t let Boris and Gove scrap our working time rights

Dear Colleague,
This is worrying. The Prime Minister has repeatedly promised that working people won’t lose important rights when we leave the EU, but we’ve always known there are many in her party who see Brexit as an opportunity to cut regulations as far as they can.
Now we’re seeing the proof of it. The Sunday Times and Sun have today reported plans by ministers – including Michael Gove and Boris Johnson – to scrap the Working Time Directive.
This is the piece of EU legislation that underpins lots of our rights to hours, breaks and holidays. It’s long been a target of the hard right, who want to give bosses even more power over workers.
When the directive came in, millions got paid holiday rights for the first time. Losing it would risk holidays for 7 million workers (4.7 million of them women, and many on zero-hours or part-time contracts).
Even more could be forced by bosses to work more than 48 hours a week. Others could lose guaranteed lunch and rest breaks, or night working protections.
This is a straight-up attack on our rights at work, and the PM needs to face down this plot in her own cabinet. No-one voted for Brexit to lose out on holidays, or to hand power over to bad bosses.
We’re calling her out on this. If she won’t stick to her promises now, it’ll open the floodgates for the hard-brexiteers to cut back even more of our rights at work.
Can you help us add to the pressure on the PM?
Thanks for all your help,
John and the Going To Work team | Unsubscribe | Contact Us

Unison There for You

Newsletter Dec 2017 (1)

7 reasons to join UNISON

Each of our 1.3 million members has their own reasons for joining UNISON. But everyone receives our help and support. JOIN TODAY and you can too.

  1. Advice, support and help when you need it at work

We have a network of trained local advisors and negotiators who will provide you with help at work when you need it most, as well as professional legal advisors and experts when appropriate.

  1. Legal services for you at work and your family at home

Our legal support includes free help with most work problems that you may have. This can either be from our specialist in-house lawyers and a team of trade union solicitors that are on hand to help, or by local union reps, branches and officers in the UK. But our help doesn’t just stop when you leave work. We offer free initial legal advice on any matter not related to work, plus a range of other legal help for you and your family. To be eligible for our legal assistance scheme you must have been a member for at least four weeks prior to the incident that led you to seek this help. You must also be up to date with your subscriptions. Legal help is provided at the discretion of the union’s national executive council.

  1. Financial assistance and debt advice in times of need

We’re here for you when you need us most. Our confidential service (and registered charity) There for You, is your safety net when times get tough. We can help with sorting out finances and advise on benefits. We offer grants to help with household bills, ease debts or help with the cost of a much needed break.

  1. Helpline open until midnight

In these uncertain times it’s easy to lose sleep over job security. But don’t lie awake worrying, our helpline is open from 6am to midnight Monday to Friday, and 9am to 4pm on Saturdays closed on Sunday. Your call will be dealt with by a professional who will ensure that the person who can best help will ring you back at a time that is convenient for you.

  1. Compensation for accidents and injuries at work

If the unexpected happens you can count on our support. If you have an accident or are injured at work our specialist lawyers are there to help when appropriate. You are covered for things like assault, accidents, industrial diseases and accidents on your way to or from work. Our experts have got you covered and will do their best to get compensation for you.

  1. Member discounts – including up to 50% off holidays

Join today and you’ll have access to a wide range of exclusive member discounts and offers which could save you up to £250 – more than the cost of your membership. Savings on holidays through the UNISON travel club, plus discounts on home, car, pet and travel insurance, dental and health plans, cashback on mortgages all add up to a great deal for UNISON members.

  1. Education, training and support

Whatever work you do, we are here to help you learn more – whether you are facing change at work, want to develop your career or want to learn something new for your own benefit. UNISON offers a range of courses and short workshops that are free to members, so whether it’s brushing up on computer skills, professional development or finding out more about the union, learning through UNISON can help you develop your confidence, skills and knowledge.


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Winter fuel grant application 2017-2018 (North West Region) – DEADLINE 16TH FEBRUARY!

Dear Colleagues

We are delighted to forward details of the 2017-2018 Winter Fuel Grant Programme.  Anything you can do that will ensure members on the lowest of income receive all the information that they need to apply would be very much appreciated.

Included with this e mail is the application form and survey (applicants must complete both please) and a Question & Answer leaflet which we hope will provide the answer to any questions members may have.

Please note the following important information:

·         Due to the growing number of incomplete applications  that we now receive, this year we will be returning any form that has information missing.  A letter  setting out what information is needed along with a Freepost Envelope that can be used to resubmit their form will be included.

·         This programme officially launches on 4th December and closes on 16 February 2018.


WFG poster WFG 2017-18 QA WFG 2017-18 form and survey

The Manchester Martyrs

The Manchester Martyrs

The Manchester Martyrs were three innocent Irishmen hanged in public outside the New Bailey prison in Salford on 23 November 1867. They had been convicted of murdering a police sergeant, killed in the course of a successful raid on Hyde Road, Manchester to free two leading Fenians.

Read More



Victory for campaign against Open University ban

Cuba Solidarity Campaign
Cuba Update Special 8 November 2017

Thanks to the persistent campaigning of CSC members, affiliates and supporters the Open University has reversed its discriminatory policy of barring Cuban students from studying at the institution.

This campaign victory comes as a direct result of the actions taken by thousands of CSC supporters writing to the OU and to their MPs; the public statements and letters sent by trade unions with links to the OU, (the NUT, UCU, Unite and Unison); and the MPs who raised the issue with government ministers and in parliament. Without the constant pressure to expose OU policy, the bar would have continued without challenge.

While we welcome the statement issued by the OU on Wednesday 8 November announcing that they would now accept Cuban students, we believe that the bar should never have been enforced in the first place.

When faced with the choice of breaking the UK’s Equality Act, or risk of legal action from the United States Treasury Department, the OU chose to opt for a discriminatory policy against Cuban students. By default, they helped to implement US blockade policy in the UK.

It took a vigorous campaign from CSC, which drew national press coverage and saw questions raised in the Houses of Parliament, to shame the OU to take action to reverse their prejudiced policy.

But it should have been the British government, not the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, who challenged the Open University’s blatant disregard for British laws.

By barring a student’s application based on their Cuban nationality, the OU broke anti-discrimination legislation laid down by the 2010 Equality Act. By complying with the extraterritorial aspects of the US blockade, it contravened legislation which prohibits British companies and organisations ignoring UK laws in favour of US regulations.

Just a few days ago, on 1 November 2017, the British government voted with 190 other nations to condemn the US blockade of Cuba at the United Nations General Assembly. Yet, in reality they do nothing to back up this vote.

CSC believes that the government needs to follow through on their vote at the United Nations and decide whether this vote, and British laws, are worth the paper they are printed on. The only way to stop other companies and organisations capitulating to US Treasury threats is if the government sends a clear message that UK laws are sovereign. CSC calls on the government to make a public statement it will take swift and robust action against any future breaches of British law linked to extraterritorial US blockage legislation.

Once again, we thank all the friends and supporters for being part of this campaign victory by taking action to pressure to Open University to reverse its bar against Cuban students. It is a testament to the power of campaigning and international solidarity.

Thank you for your continued support.

If you are not already a member of CSC
please consider joining here

If you would like to support our work,
please donate here

Yours in solidarity

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign team


Dear Colleagues,

Please find a link below to an online survey asking UNISON members working for the NPS and the CRCs to provide input into UNISON’s response to the Justice Select Committee Inquiry into Transforming Rehabilitation. The call for evidence closes on 17 November and UNISON aims to put in one collective response on behalf of NPS and CRC members.

The Justice Select Committee wants to find out:

Whether the attempts by the MOJ at the end of July 2017 to improve CRC performance by giving them more money, and by making suggested changes to the probation inspection regime, are having any effect?

What impact Transforming Rehabilitation has had on sentencing, recalls, Serious Further Offences and Through the Gate?

What should be done to improve/reform Transforming Rehabilitation?

Your views as probation staff are vital to the outcome of the Committee’s Inquiry, so please do respond in any way you can. You do not need to answer every question and your comments are totally anonymous. Thank you in advance for your participation.

Responses must be made by no later than 12 midnight on 15 November.

CUBA – US isolated as UN votes 191-2 for end to blockade

At the United Nations General Assembly today, the world voted with Cuba in support of a resolution calling for an end to the 55 year old US blockade of the island.

US isolated as UN says end blockade by 191-2 votes

The final vote, 191 to 2, saw the United States isolated, as only it and Israel voted against all 191 other member states. Although the vote is non-binding it sends a clear message to the United States government that it stands alone when it comes to its policy of blockade.

In 2016, the US historically abstained for the first time after 24 years of voting against the resolution. In her speech to the UN, Nikki Haley, the US ambassador told the organisation said that they were reversing this decision since the US people had spoken by electing a new president (Trump) who supported the blockade.

She described the debate on the blockade at the United Nations as “political theatre” and said the US delegation was voting to continue the blockade out of solidarity with the Cuban people. Josefina Vidal, Cuba’s chief negotiator in talks with the US, branded these comments as disrespectful to the United Nations and an insult to Cuba.

Nikki Haley’s comments also contradict US public opinion which is in favour of normalising relations with Cuba and ending the blockade. On Tuesday 31 October a group of democratic senators urged Trump by letter to abstain from the vote again. “Our failed embargo against Cuba has been repeatedly and publicly condemned by the international community as ineffective and harmful to the people of Cuba,” the senators wrote. “The longer we maintain this outdated Cold War policy the more our international regional credibility suffers.”

Opening his speech to the UN, Bruno Rodriguez, Cuban Foreign Secretary, condemned the “offensive and interfering” statement made by Nikki Haley.

He described the blockade as “a flagrant, systematic and massive violation of the human rights of all Cubans.” “It can be described as an act of genocide”, and “an obstacle to the humanitarian support that Cuba offers to 81 countries of the global South,” he said.

Country representatives from across the globe spoke in support of the Cuban resolution, praising the country for the international solidarity that it provided to many poor nations in the form of medical brigades and training, despite the effects of the blockade on its own economy. They also lamented the deteriorating relations between the US and Cuba following the election of Donald Trump and called on the US to return to the path of respectful relations with the island.

In response to the vote, CSC director, Rob Miller said:

“This is a cynical move by the US government. The Trump administration, in its desperation to appease right-wing politicians, is systematically destroying the last two years of progress in diplomatic relations between the two countries.

“At a time when the island needs materials and equipment to aid its recovery from Hurricane Irma, the US policy appears more vicious than ever. It is vitally important to maintain the international campaign against the US blockade so that the US government receives a clear message that the rest of the world supports the Cuban people in their call to end this cruel and archaic policy.”

Find out more:


Future meetings
Find out more about Cuba’s resistance to US aggression and its achievements in the face of the longest economic blockade in history by coming to one of our forthcoming events including the Che Guevara Anniversary Tour with Che’s daughter, Aleida, and a special parliamentary meeting with Cuban MPs in November, plus the 12th annual Latin America Conference in December.

Stress is the UK’s top health and safety concern, say union workplace reps


The 11th biennial TUC survey of union health and safety representatives, published today (Friday) during European Health and Safety at Work Week, finds the top-five cited hazards were stress, bullying and harassment, overwork, back strains and slips, and trips and falls on a level.

In top place was stress. Over two-thirds of safety reps (67 per cent) taking part in the survey said that stress, and the effect it is having on their colleagues, is one of the main concerns they have to deal with at work.

One in six of the workplace reps who completed the survey say their employers are failing to conduct risk assessments, which is a breach of health and safety law, says the TUC.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “It’s shocking that so many employers are breaking the law and putting their staff at risk of illness and accidents by their sheer negligence. Not only does this put people in danger while doing their jobs, the consequences also carry a high cost for British businesses and public services because it results in lower productivity and more staff spending time off sick.

“Stress remains the top concern for health and safety workplace reps. It’s a particular problem in parts of the public sector like the NHS and local government that have been hit by cuts and top-down reorganisations. Sickness and absence from stress is one of the false economies of public sector austerity.”


No automatic alt text available.


Cuba Solidarity Campaign
Cuba Update 19 October 2017
Cuba reports on blockade damages in advance of UN vote

Cuba reports on blockade damages in advance of UN vote

Cuba has published a report outlining the extensive damages caused by the US blockade during the last year in advance of the annual United Nations General Assembly vote on 1 November.

Education, health, sports, culture, industrial development, tourism, food and information and communications technology continue to be some of the sectors most affected by the aggressive US policy which has cost the island $US1.3 trillion since it was imposed 55 years ago.

This Report, presented by Cuba every year as a prelude to the UN vote on the resolution, also exposes the widespread condemnation of the blockade within US society and the international community, and the Cuban people’s demand for an immediate end to the failed policy.

Cuba Solidarity Campaign slams Trump decision to expel diplomats

Cuba Solidarity Campaign slams Trump decision to expel diplomats

Cuba solidarity campaigners have accused US President Donald Trump of pandering to hard-line Republicans by expelling Cuban diplomats from its Washington embassy.

Britain’s Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) spoke out after the US government ordered Havana to cut staff at the embassy by 60 per cent.

Trump’s drastic move follows bizarre claims that at least 21 US embassy staff in Havana — mainly spies operating under diplomatic cover — were made ill by “sonic attacks” starting in November last year, days after US President Donald Trump’s election.

CSC Director Rob Miller stressed that Cuba had denied involvement in the alleged attacks — and the US had not yet explicitly blamed Havana for the mysterious high-pitched noises reported.

Further reading:

Fifty years gone but Che's legacy lives on

Fifty years gone but Che’s legacy lives on

Half a century ago, on October 9 1967, Ernesto “Che” Guevara, was assassinated by Mario Terán, a Bolivian army officer, following orders from the CIA. The Argentinian-born Cuban revolutionary hero died leading a guerrilla struggle against the US-backed Bolivian military regime of Rene Barrientos, eight years after playing a leading role in the Cuban revolution.

The enduring legacy of the Cuban revolution has been at the heart of the longevity of Che’s legend.

It has delivered sovereignty, dignity and independence to the Cuban people, with achievements including free and universal healthcare, education and social care, despite all the difficulties imposed by the US blockade.

Dates for your diary :– Aleida Guevara Tour, Cuban MPs meeting and Latin America 2017

Dates for your diary :– Aleida Guevara Tour, Cuban MPs meeting and Latin America 2017

We have a packed winter schedule with the nationwide Che Guevara Anniversary Tour with Che’s daughter, Aleida, and a special parliamentary meeting with Cuban MPs in November, plus the 12th annual Latin America Conference in December.

Please check event details to ensure you register for tickets with plenty of time.

Che Guevara Anniversary Tour with Che’s daughter, Aleida Guevara

Monday 6 November – Belfast – 7.00pm
First Presbyterian Church in Rosemary Street, BT1 1QB.
Contact for more information.

Tuesday 7 November – Denbigh – 7.30pm
Denbigh Town Hall, Denbigh, North Wales, LL16 3TB.
Reserve places in advance by writing to

Wednesday 8 November – Manchester – 6.30pm
The Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, M1 6DD.

Thursday 9 November – Sheffield – Doors 6.30pm/7pm start
The Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, S1 2EW.

Friday 10 November – London – 6pm
UCL Medical Sciences Building,
Room 131 AV Hill Lecture Theatre, Malet Place, WC1E 7JG
Register in advance at >

Saturday 11 November – Glasgow – 4pm – 6.30pm
Scottish Cuba Solidarity Campaign Rally
STUC, 333 Woodlands Road, G3 6NG

Elections and the role of MPs in Cuba

Tuesday 28 November – House of Commons – 6.30pm

A high level Cuban parliamentary delegation will visit their counterparts in the British parliament in November as part of an exchange visit co-ordinated by the Inter Parliamentary Union. The six National Assembly members make up the largest ever delegation from the Cuban parliament to the UK, and the visit falls just before important general elections are due to take place in Cuba in early 2018.

CSC in association with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba will host a public meeting with the MPs about their work and elections in Cuba.

Place are limited so please register in advance to attend by emailing or call Ollie Hopkins on 0207 490 5715.

Latin America Conference 2017

Saturday 2 December – 10am-5pm Registration from 9.15am
Congress House, London

With countries across Latin America facing a resurgent right and the threat of external intervention from Trump, this year’s Latin America Conference will be the most crucial yet. More than 50 speakers representing progressive movements and governments from across Latin America, and politicians, journalists, trade unionists and campaigners from Britain and around the world will take part in plenary and workshop sessions throughout the day.

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