Skills For Strength 2023 – last call

Skills For Strength 2023

Registration for Skills for Strength 2023 is open now.

Register now at

Skills for Strength is a convention for UNISON members in the North West Region, bringing us together with other trade unionists from across our region, country and from across the globe to share ideas, best practice and skills.

This is a practical, workshop-based event to help you win in the workplace, build our union and improve people’s working lives.

A host of exciting speakers will be announced shortly, but for now registration is open to all North West UNISON activists and North West UNISON members who are looking to get more involved. Registration and attendance at the event is free, including lunch and refreshments, but registrants will need to claim any travel expenses incurred from their UNISON branch, with their permission.

A number of accommodation places are available for activists who are travelling a significant distance from Manchester to attend, and you can apply for one of these places as part of the registration process.

If you would prefer to register using a paper form, you can download a word format registration form here.