CRC Members moving to NPS – Subscriptions

There is no provision for deduction of contributions at source (DOCAS) for trade union subscriptions in the National Probation Service (NPS). On 25 June 2021 around 90% of members employed by Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) will transfer to NPS so to maintain Trade Union membership you will need to change the method of paying subs to Direct Debit.

The intention is to start collecting Direct Debit mandates from the week commencing 12 April. Members will continue paying via DOCAS up to CRC transfer to the NPS on 25 June 2021. The first DD deduction to be made on 30 July 2021. That is also NPS pay day.

Any CRC Staff joining UNISON between now and transfer can only pay subscriptions by DD.

You need not do anything at this stage, here is the process

Members with email addresses on our membership system WARMS will be contacted up to 3 times to complete a DD mandate. Once you have completed a mandate you will not receive further email requests. Between the second and third email a letter will be sent to all CRC members who have yet to complete a mandate.

An information page will be set up on the UNISON website where members can access the necessary forms to complete DD mandates.

The mandates will not be processed before 25 June. This will ensure that no members have two UNISON deductions in one pay period.

If you have any queries please contact the branch at