UCU Members Strike Support

Dear comrades,

UCU members at the University of Manchester need your support. After eight strike days last year they have started fourteen more. They are fighting for job security, reasonable workloads, decent pay and pensions, and against casualisation and pay inequality on gender and race. Many University staff are on badly paid temporary contracts for fewer hours than the work requires. Many are forced to take other work. Properly paid, secure jobs with achievable workloads are essential for the quality of education.

The remaining strike days are 24-26 February, 2-5 and 9-13 March. Send messages of support to ucu@manchester.ac.uk or tweet @UM_UCU.

The local hardship fund is: 
Account name: UCU University of Manchester
Sort code:  60-83-01
Account Number:  20392565
Reference: Hardship Fund

In solidarity
Ian Allinson
President – Manchester Trades Union Council
07985 438 553
twitter.com/tucmanchesterThis email is from Manchester TUC. Find us at:manchestertuc.org.ukfb.me/TUCManchestertwitter.com/tucmanchester
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