Support UCU members at the University of Manchester striking for 8 days

UCU members at the University of Manchester are part of the national 60-university strike from Monday-Friday this week and Monday-Wednesday next week. Please give them your support.
Details of the UCU national strike fund are here: local hardship fund is: Bank: Unity Trust
Account: UCU University of Manchester
Sort code: 60-83-01
Account Number 50510715
Reference: Hardship Fund
Most buildings will have pickets from 7:30-8am until 10:30am. The biggest buildings are AMBS, Arthur Lewis, Uni Pace, Sackville, Sam Alex, Simon and Michael Smith. Additional plans include:

  • You can follow the local UCU branch for updates on strike plans on Twitter @UM_UCU and send them messages of support, solidarity photos etc. You can also contact them via