Dear Branch Secretary/ Black Member ,

We have 2 important events which we would like to promote to all Black Members across the North West so please pass on this notification to the relevant members.

In UNISON, ‘Black’ – with a capital B – is used to indicate people with a shared history. ‘Black’ is used in a broad political and inclusive sense to describe people in the UK who have suffered from colonialism and enslavement in the past and continue to experience racism and diminished opportunities in today’s society.

1.North West Regional Black Members Meeting, 1 pm to 3 pm, Wednesday 1st of May at GHS Enterprise Ltd, South Meadow Lane, Preston, PR1 8JN.

We are providing a hot buffet so please can you confirm your attendance to A.Blundell@unison.co.uk so we are catering appropriately.

2. Black Members Training Day, Wednesday 22nd of May, Venue tbc. This is a fantastic opportunity to develop your understanding of how to get involved in Unison, tackling discrimination at work , race and trade unions and developing Black leaders. Please put this in your diary and registration details will be sent out in due course.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed so please keep all receipts.

If in future you would like to receive direct emails from the NW Black Members Committee please email A.Blundell@unison.co.uk

In Solidarity

Ameen Hadi

NW Chair Black Members Committee