Purple Futures withdraw from National Negotiating Committee

Most members will be aware of the National Negotiating Council (NNC) and the Standing Committee for Chief Officer Grades (SCCOG).

Their function has been to negotiate joint agreement and action on pay and other national conditions of service for employees in probation.  It has served both parties well, it was and still is the view of our branch, the Northwest Probation & CAFCASS branch of UNISON, that it remains fit for purpose .

Purple Futures have come to the decision that the NNC is no longer the right way to negotiate pay, terms and conditions with the trade unions, and indeed they have given notice that they are withdrawing from those arrangements from the end of January and members should ask themselves why the employer has chosen to do this at this time given that the previous arrangements worked so well.

Members should rest assured that Unison will continue to work alongside NAPO to safeguard and improve your Terms and Conditions

Over the coming months our Branch Secretary and PF National Convenor, Kev Allsop, will look to visit most of the offices within Cheshire, Manchester & Merseyside to recruit new members and take on the views of existing members. Please make every effort to attend.