End Child Poverty



4 million children – one in three – are currently living in poverty in the UK, one of the highest rates in the industrialised world. This is a shocking figure given the wealth of our nation.
The goal of the Campaign to End Child Poverty is simple – to eradicate child poverty in the UK – and our aims are clear.

  • Inform the public about the causes and effects of child poverty;
  • Forge commitment between, and across, the public, private and voluntary sectors to end child poverty by 2020;
  • Promote the case for ending child poverty by 2020 with this and every future Government.

Action is needed now!
Together with all our supporters, we are demanding the Government invests the necessary resources and policy changes to deliver on its promise to all children to eradicate child poverty in the UK by 2020.
The TUC are fully behind the campaign and we you be will too.
Go to their website to learn more.