E petition postcode pay no way

Yesterday evening a petition was set up on the Govt epetition website as part of the campaign against the South West Pay Cartel and against postcode pay. A circular will also be sent out to all health branches about this campaign and about the impact it could have on AfC and across the NHS.
It would be great if colleagues could please support the petition by signing it but also promoting it to colleagues, branches and activists. Over 200 people have signed already, in just a few hours overnight.
The link is here:
http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/36063This campaign has also been covered in the Sunday Times, today’s Telegraph, will be on Radio 5 Live at lunchtime and has featured lots in local SW media and on local tv and radio. If you are on Twitter/Facebook please spread the word too if at all possible.
Thanks everybody for this. If you have any questions about the campaign please do let me know.

** #StopTheCartel #SaveOurNHS #NoToPostcodePay **
Paul Foley
Lead Officer for North West Health