TUC spells health and safety

It took union campaigns to deliver the comprehensive health and safety legislation that the UK workforce enjoys.

But it takes union know how, resources and campaigns to make workplaces as safe as possible. That’s why TUC and unions provide high calibre resources and training for trade union safety reps.

These union reps are the reason union workplaces are safer workplaces. This website is part of TUC’s work to ensure union safety reps have the information and resources to continue and to improve that work

Sign up for Risks, the TUC’s e-mail bulletin on health and safety. You’ll get Health and Safety news from the TUC and the unions direct.

Hazards at Work online

TheĀ  chapters on individual risks from the TUC publication “Hazards at Work” are now available on-line. To access them click on a subject on the left of this page and if there is a corresponding chapter available then you can access it through the orange box that appears on the page