Support UNISON’s 6 Core Principles for our National Health Service


UNISON members in the North West have developed 6 core principles which we believe should form the basis of public health provision in the UK. Please sign up to support them below and help us protect our NHS.

We believe services should be:

1.  Free at the point of use

People who need health care should be able to concentrate on getting better, not worrying about paying a bill.

2.  Provided on the basis of clinical need, not ability to pay 

The NHS should meet need, not seek to provide marketable services to those who can pay for them.

3.  Properly funded through fair taxation 

Tax revenue should be raised from those who can easily afford it.

4.  Delivered by NHS public sector organisations

Patients need health workers to be focussed on care, not on making a profit.

5.  Democratically accountable

The NHS should be transparent, open to scrutiny and NHS organisations should work together collaboratively, not in competition.

6.  Designed to promote public health

The NHS should be concerned with preventing ill health and responding to need in a co-ordinated, evidence-based and rational way.

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