UNISON and Napo Sodexo CRC members have voted overwhelmingly in a consultative ballot to accept the Sodexo CRC Pay offer.

95% of UNISON members voted to accept the pay offer and 95% of Napo members voted to accept the offer.

The pay offer for all six Sodexo CRCs provides for significant pay reform of both the NNC and SCCOG pay Bands.

For NNC Pay Bands:

Bands 2, 3 and 4 will be reduced from 20 pay points to 15 pay points from 1 April 2019 and to 7 points from 1 April 2020

Band 5 will be reduced from 14 pay points to 10 pay points from 1 April 2019 and to 5 points from 1 April 2020

Band 6 will be reduced from 19 pay points to 15 pay points from 1 April 2019 and to 7 points from 1 April 2020

These changes will significantly reduce the time to progress through each pay band and the value of progression will be larger than in the current structure. As a result Sodexo want to introduce a way of linking progression to competence in a role. Napo and UNISON have made a commitment to enter into negotiations on the introduction of a competency based pay progression framework but this will not prevent transition to the pay points above.

The offer provides that all staff will receive an increase of 2% from 1 April 2019 as a result of moving to a new pay point or through an unconsolidated payment or a combination of the two. There is also a commitment from Sodexo to enter into negotiations for a cost of living increase from April 2020.